The Océanis-Avocats personnel are ready to help you in every aspect of maritime, yachting and boating law.
Aurélien Boulineau is, in addition, co-founder of the association Légisplaisance. In this capacity, he participates in editing the « Legal guide to recreational boating rights in 50 spec sheets » ("Guide juridique sur le droit de la plaisance en 50 fiches thématiques"). He regularly writes articles for the Maritime and Recreational boating legal Journal (Revue du Droit de la Plaisance et du Nautisme).
In June 2016, he contributed towards the theme of liabilities surrounding the development of collaborative boating on the occasion of the national awareness day for maritime and recreational boating (Journée Nationale du Droit de la Plaisance et du Nautisme).
At Océanis-Avocat we accompany individuals, professionals and all parties affected by maritime issues in their legal conflicts, be it in the form of advice or in the courts:
Aurélien Boulineau is, in addition, co-founder of the association Légisplaisance. In this capacity, he participates in editing the « Legal guide to recreational boating rights in 50 spec sheets » ("Guide juridique sur le droit de la plaisance en 50 fiches thématiques"). He regularly writes articles for the Maritime and Recreational boating legal Journal (Revue du Droit de la Plaisance et du Nautisme).
In June 2016, he contributed towards the theme of liabilities surrounding the development of collaborative boating on the occasion of the national awareness day for maritime and recreational boating (Journée Nationale du Droit de la Plaisance et du Nautisme).
At Océanis-Avocat we accompany individuals, professionals and all parties affected by maritime issues in their legal conflicts, be it in the form of advice or in the courts:
- Buying/selling recreational vessels
- Legal expertise
- Registration, flagging issues
- Liability in nautical pursuits
- Professional or private boat hire
- Social welfare of seagoing persons
- Insurance